Summer is finally here!!! Time to breakout the watermelon, pool floats, and of course all the cute swimmies! For the longest time I would buy one swimsuit a year (if that) and rotate between my few swimsuits I owned for the summer. What I noticed is that my swimsuits would fade and wear out really quickly because I was over-wearing them.

I think I was shopping at the wrong places for swimsuits because I always thought they were too expensive and just flat-out overpriced. Recently I’ve been online shopping at a ton of different stores and have found a bunch of SUPER affordable, really cute swimmies. I’ve also found a ton of adorable towels and cover-ups!

I’ve realized that I can buy a bunch of nice, affordable swimsuits that I no longer have to over-wear so they last a lot longer. And who does love having a bunch of cute swim options that didn’t break the bank?! I wanted to point out that my favorite place for really cheap (but still nice) swimsuits, SheIn, can be really weird on their sizing, so make sure you check the size guide on every swimsuit because it will be different for each one.

Below I linked all of my favorite swimsuits & cover-ups I’ve purchased recently along with a ton of other cute, affordable options! Also, if you do only want to buy one or two swimsuits for the summer season these should all be great quality.

Outfit Details: Swimsuit: Target // Headband: Amazon // Sunglasses: A’GACI // Pool Float: Amazon

Outfit Details: Swimsuit: SheIn // Headband: Amazon // Sunglasses: A’GACI // Pool Float: Amazon

Outfit Details: Similar Swimsuits: 1.) SheIn, 2.) SheIn // Sunglasses: Old Navy  // Headband: Amazon  // Pool Float: Amazon

Outfit Details: Cover Up: SheIn // Tory Burch Miller Sandals: Neiman Marcus // Headband: Amazon // Sunglasses: Old Navy // Similar Bag: Amazon

Outfit Details: Similar Cover Up (no embellishment): Zappos // Tory Burch Miller Sandals: Neiman Marcus // Headband: Amazon // Similar Bag: Amazon


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